5 Mistakes You Should Avoid When Setting Up a New Website

10 Apr

New WebsiteA website is at the heart of your business irrespective of what you’re into. And it is incumbent upon you to ensure that it is professionally designed and well maintained. This is because the website is your gateway to the global customer, and therefore your primary brand value builder. So, how do you ensure that you succeed in your effort and do not fall for the common mistakes that occur when you set up a new website?

For that, you first need to know the mistakes. So, here are the 5 mistakes we think you should avoid when you look to build a website:

1. Lack of a Legitimate Business Plan

Do you have a legitimate business plan? And if so, do you follow it scrupulously before you begin to develop your website? A business plan is not confined to just describing how you’re going to develop the website but exactly what you expect to get out of it.

So, does your plan answer questions as to what products and services you would want your business to sell? Does it detail the role of third parties in it?

And what solutions do your customers require that you provide?

And, it must have the most important question of all? Identification of the target market.

2. Lack of a Proper Marketing Plan For Your Website

This deals with getting more visitors to your website and converting them into customers.

• Understanding the difference between SEO and PPC
• Integrating social media platforms
• Getting to know Google Goog and other such ecommerce analytics tracking systems
• Researching affiliate market and selling through 3rd party platforms

3. Undervaluing the Work Involved

You don’t set up a website to get quick and easy money. There are other professions for that. From taking an order to integrating the payment system to shipping the product, there’s a huge amt of work involved that needs coordinating many heads together.

Make sure you get your business structure right. Because success doesn’t depend on you alone.

4. Don’t Be Too Blog-Focussed

WordPress might be a hugely popular blogging platform. But to develop a full-fledged website requires more than just a blog. Yes, you need content that attracts visitors, but you also need a whole list of other functionalities and tools for your website to function.

5. Great Optics but Little Message

This is often the case with upstarts. They invest heavily in the design, but let the content and core functionality go horribly wrong. Remember the design, content and all the marketing is for the core functionality. You get that part wrong, and you go wrong completely.


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